
How to stop?

How to stop?
There is a debate in baldness foruns and in Propecia Help if discontinuation of finasteride should be abrupt or gradual. It is subject of controversy. There are no studies on the subject. But in theory, advocates of this theory argue that the gradual discontinuation (gradual reduction in dose) could help the body to adapt to the withdrawal of the drug. Thus, the body would return to normal DHT convertion gradually and this could favour hormonal balance reestablishment . What is certain is many members from the Propecia Help forum experienced a crash after discontinuation of finasteride - (anxiety attacks, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, emotional instability, sexual problems, etc ... intense and in short time) - they seemed to be improving a few weeks after stopping the use of finasteride, and then they crashed for no apparent reason. If that was favored by stopping the medicine cold turkey or if these people had the propensity to show these effects, we can not answer. The user must choose which way to go. Stop at once or gradually. Although there is no scientific evidence, in our view we believe withdrawal of Finasteride should be gradual. Specially in men who are having side effects. In this study we can see  there are differences in the level of DHT in the blood 7 days after the last dose of Finasteride, depending on the dose. So it might be worth to slowly decrease the dose. 

DHT levels after 7 days after different doses of Finasteride: http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1170 

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