
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Evaluation of Propecia (Finasteride) by american patients in Askapatient.com site


346 Patients were asked about the efficacy, safety, side effects and whether they would recommend the drug to others. Each patient is told to give a rating from 1 to 5, with note 1 (Very dissatisfied - I would not recommend anyone taking this drug) and Note 5 (Very Satisfied - this medicine has helped me and healed me).

Evaluation of the drug finasteride 1 mg for hair loss:
Of the 346 patients:
148 assigned the note a (very dissatisfied - do not recommend anyone taking this drug) 
40 attributed the note 2    (Unsatisfied - this drug did not work so as to satisfy me) 
109 assigned grades 3 or 4 
49 attributed Note 5 (Very Satisfied - this medicine has helped me or heal me) Some testimonials: 
Of those who attributed Note 1: 

Patient, a) "Stay away from Finasteride! Took it for 2 ½ months. Despite having been warned that there could be a drop in libido, I never thought about how strong this effect would be. I do not have the slightest interest in sex." Symptoms: "Loss of sexual interest, watery semen, inability to have sex, inability to obtain and maintain an erection, loss of morning erection, penis appear smaller in size." Age: 40 years.

Patient b) "I'm doing very serious treatments to try to restore my metabolism. Never thought I would write it on a website, but I'm not interested in having sex. " Symptoms: "Loss of libido and erections. symptoms do not improve even after stopping the drug for two months." Age: 25 years. 

Patient c) "Honestly, I'll never trust a pharmaceutical company again. How can they legally sell something like this? This medication caused me great depression and no antidepressant is helping. " Symptoms: "Bone loss, symptoms of stress, anxiety and panic attacks, difficulty concentrating, feminization of the body." Age: 21 years 

Patient d) "I am a doctor and I took 1 mg finasteride 1999 to 2010 . I had my first panic attack in 2007. continued with the medication. The attacks continued and developed a severe depression in 2009. In 2010 I began developing strange neurological symptoms such as muscle spasms, cramps, memory severely affected and general weakness. I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity syndrome of peripheral . Also, my testosterone is 220, or a quarter of what would be normal for my age. (moderator's note - the scale is usually 300 to 1000) Exactly four months after I stopped taking the drug. I went from perfectly normal and healthy and SHP diagnosed with hypogonadism . I hate this drug and must be prohibited. " Age: 36 years

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