
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

General symptoms of Post-Finasteride Syndrome and doctors who recognize the problem.

Dr. John Crisler DO
Lansing, Michigan - USA
Explaining the symptoms of Post-Finasteride Syndrome in a conference.

Exerpt from the video:
Dr. John Crisler: - "I've talked to some of you in particular. I am totally against the drug Finasteride. I've had so many patients in my office stating that this drug has destroyed their lives. Many of these patients are from the Yahoo forum (the origin of PropeciaHelp.com). Unfortunately some suicides have occurred in this forum. For some reason some men have an endocrine system that seems ready to be "broken" by Finasteride . And they take Finasteride for periods as short as one week, and it destroys their lives, they become weak, depressed, helpless . The problem is that when they stop taking the medication, the symptoms continue. We do not know why."

Dr. Michael Irwig, Professor at George Washington University

* Hypogonadism: medical term that defines decreased functional activity of the gonads (For men, the testicles). This leads to a big drop in testosterone production among other factors. 

The following symptoms are the most common in Post-Finasteride Syndrome.
However, it is not necessary to have all the symptoms to characterize the disease. The vast majority of men who developed the problem has only sexual symptoms (and often only some of the sexual problems listed below). In severe cases, the patient has developed, in addition to sexual symptoms, neurological, cognitive and physical symptoms. Unfortunately there is no treatment yet. The conventional treatment for Hypogonadism has not reversed the sexual problems of these patients.

Sexual symptoms:

Lack of sexual interest
Lack of sexual thoughts.

Lack of erotic dreams

Erectile Dysfunction
Loss of morning erections
Loss of spontaneous erections
Loss of nocturnal erections

Loss of sensation in the penis
Decrease in the size of the erect penis
Peyronie's disease in some cases

Testicles and ejaculation:
Decrease in size of the testicles
Pain in testicles
Decreased ejaculate volume
Watery ejaculation

Loss of intensity in orgasms
Difficulty reaching orgasm

Physical Symptoms:
Gynecomastia (abnormal growth of breasts in men)
Muscle spasms
Fatigue, constant tiredness
Less acne
Dry Skin

Neurological symptoms:
Loss or memory capacity compared to before
Cognitive difficulties (understanding and problem solving, information processing, eg, perform a mathematical operation, memorize a text, learning a foreign language.)
Slurred speech voice (in some cases)
Loss or reduction of REM sleep (no dreams, lighter sleep)
Loss of excitement with aspects of life, indifference
Lack of motivation, ambition
Depression, melancholy
Extreme anxiety, panic attacks

Some of the doctors who already recognize the Post-Finasteride Syndrome:

Dr. Andre T. Guay MD, (Clinical Professor of Endocrinology, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA and director of the Center for Sexual Dysfunction Lahey Clinic Northshore, Peabody, MA)

Dr. Alan Jacobs, Neurologist,

New Jersey - United States

Dr. Eugene Shippen,
author of "The Testosterone Syndrome"
Shillington, PA - USA

Dr Irving Goldstein, one of the most respected experts in sexual health in the world. 
California - USA

Dr. Michael Irwig
Professor at George Washington University

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, Bélgica

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