
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stories of men who took Finasteride 1mg for hair loss and developed irreversible side effects.

If you are Suffering from unresolved side effects from Propecia or Finasteride 1 mg, please post your story under this post as a comment. Choose "Anonimo" to post anonimously. Please state your age, where you are from, the sides you have, When You quit and how long you took it for. Try to summarize it in ten lines or less. Thank you!  

Forum member "worried" from Propeciahelp.com: 
"I am currently suffering sexual dysfunction like decreased penile sensitivity, difficulty getting/mantaining erections, decreased semen volume, watery semen, loss of spontaneous erections and low libido. I'm 23 and I took Propecia for 3 years."

"In the first two weeks that i started taking it, i experienced erectile dysfunction and low libido, but then I read that if I continued to take the side effects go away. So, i continued using it, and luckily, the side did completely go away and i took the drug for 3 years with no problems at all.

However, in June 2007 I started experiencing the sexual side effects again and could not even get an erection at all. So I stopped Propecia cold turkey. About 5 days later, i regained my libido and everything was fine as i expected. 

However, the side effects slowly returned and now, 3 weeks after stopping Propecia, i have extremely low libido and if i can manage to obtain an erection, it feels numb with little sensation.
I am devastated. I can't recall a time in my entire life when i ve gone 3 days without wanting to masturbate. Porn doesn't turn me on anymore. Usually, i can't even go a day or two without having a crazy urge to masturbate or have sex.
I know this is abnormal, it is not psychological, im not stressed out about anything going on in my life, and i work out everyday. My diet is great."

After 6 months: "I have regained a partial ability to get an erection, but my libido has just barely bulged. I masturbate 2-3 times a week, but i feel i have to force myself to do it. My penis feels numb and my ejaculation is so watery and only 30% of what used to be."

After 12 months: "I have seen several endocrinologists and urologists. My blood and urine tests are fine, within normal range. Yet i kno my sex drive is gone. It is ridiculous i can go a week without any urge to look at porn or anything. I would ejaculate twice a day before this all started in June 2007. "

Forum member "Legenden" from Propeciahelp.com: 
http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum / viewtopic.php? t = 9 
"Up untill i took Propecia, i was 100% healthy. I was not abusing alcohol, never touched drugs and i was not overweight. I was not taking any medicine except a few painkillers for headache maybe four times a year. I never had any psychical problems and actually i was often described as a psychically strong person. 
It all began back in the year 2000 when i was 29 yo i decided to try Propecia for hair loss. Inicially i had very few side effects, and i could see a difference in my hair after only a few months of use. 
At the time, side effects i had were a periodic testicle ache and decreased libido. 

Overall was very pleased with the effect on my hair. Then, within about 5 months of treatment, I began to feel strange. had concentration problems, dizziness and was always tired. I felt like a radio station that was not the right spot on the dial, always out of tune. First I thought it would soon pass. But after two days without improvement, so I had to go to work. It was then that I got scared, I am a computer programmer and I just could not concentrate at work! Only after a few years I found the correct word for what i was feeling: brain fog. Somehow I went through the work that day. At evening my wife and I went to relatives house and I could not follow conversations. It was then that my world fell apart, I just could not follow the conversations being held in the group, it was very confusing. Soon after, I had a complete panic attack (the first time in my life). 
After six months I ended up losing my job, but I thought it would be good, because if the problem was stress, with unemployement and the help from the psychiatrist I would improve. But it was not happening. That's when it occurred to me if there was any connection between Propecia and the problems I was having. 
That's when I found Propeciasideeffects.com and I was shocked to see how my symptoms were identical to other members of the group . I did blood tests and all results were indicative of hypogonadism (very low testosterone, low LH and FSH) In 2006 i started testosterone replacement therapy with testosterone injections, but did not feel much difference. There was improvement in energy and concentration, but the sexual did not evolve. " 

Forum member "orders" from Propeciahelp.com:

Forum member "Fin2005" from Propeciahelp.com:
I started losing hair around 20 years but was only really noticeable at 24-25. I read on the internet about Propecia and i believed in "only 2% of patients have side effects" so i took it.
In summary, the side effects I have, five years after i stopped taking Finasteride
- Zero libido
- Decreased size of the penis, scrotum and testicles 
- Penis seems disconnected from the mind 
- No morning erections, no spontaneous or night erections.
- Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction
- Leak of urine after urination 

The website Propeciahelp.com has about 2500 registered members and all of them have stories very similar to these. If you are considering taking Finasteride, I advise you to read some stories there before you take it. There are hundreds of stories like these in the baldness Forum Hairlosstalk.com in Askapatient.com and many other sites. There sufferers from this drug all over the world, China, Guatemala, Canada, USA, Europe, etc.

PropeciaHelp Stories (English): 
http://www.propeciahelp.com/ forum / viewforum.php? f = 3 

Former users of Propecia (Finasteride 1mg) in AskaPatient.com (English): 

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