

"Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Thoughts Among Former Users of Finasteride With Persistent Sexual Side Effects"  
Michael S. Irwig, MDJournal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2012 DOI: 10.4088/JCP.12m07887

"A new look at the 5alpha reductase inhibitor Finasteride" (2006):
CNS Drug Rev. 2006 Spring;12(1):53-76. 

"5alpha-reductase inhibitors and erectile dysfunction: Connection" (2008 study):
Erdemir F, Harbin A, Hellstrom WJ.
http :/ / www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=19090946

Finasteride induced depression:
In the study, a controlled group of 128 men, with a daily dose of 1mg per day, had clear and significant increase in depression, verified by BDI and HADS in patients taking finasteride.
Rahimi-Ardabili B, R Pourandarjani, Habibollahi P Mualeki A (2006).
"Finasteride induced depression: a prospective study"

Finasteride robustly increases anxiety and depression in animals:
Römer B , Gass P (December 2010). "Finasteride-induced depression: new insights into possible pathomechanisms." Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Depression associated to the use of Finasteride
In this study, using 1mg dosage, Finasteride induced moderate to severe depression in 19 of the 23 participants, or 83%, including notably, all female subjects. University of Milan: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12433001?dopt=Abstract 

"Adverse Side Effects of 5α-Reductase Inhibitors Therapy: Persistent Diminished Libido and Erectile Dysfunction and Depression in a Subset of Patients"

Published on December  2010 on The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Abdulmaged M. Traish PhD 
Dr. Andre T. Guay MD
Dr. D Michael Zitzmann, PhD 
Dr. John Hassani MA. 
Michael L. Hansen MD

"Persistent Sexual Side Effects of Finasteride for Male Pattern Hair Loss."

Published by Dr. Michael S. Irwig, University George Washington.
This study evaluated 71 men between 21 and 46, who complained of sexual effects that did not improve even after the treatment with finasteride was discontinued. According to the authors of the study, published in "Journal of Sexual Medicine," the side effects persisted for 40 months after stopping treatment, on average. Impotence and loss of libido were observed until six years after use, in a fifth of respondents . 

"Finasteride and Neuroactive Steroids."
The study concluded that there was a drastic reduction of neuro active steroids after a period of four months, with controlled groups that used doses of Finasteride 1mg and 5 mg. Observe the decrease in allopregnanolone (-303.1%).

"Finasteride and Neuroactive Steroids."
Published in Prague Medical Report m 2009 (Vol. 110)

Study indicates finasteride inhibits the conversion of hormones into neurosteroids in the brain. These neurosteroids have antidepressant, antianxiety and anticonvulsive effects.
Among them Allopregnanolone and Tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone. 
"A new vision on Finasteride"
 Department of veterans, Portland, USA. 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / pubmed/16834758? Dopt = Abstract 

Male infertility associated with the use of finasteride. 

Study of the human reproduction unit,  Albert Einstein Hospital, Sao Paulo -

Links of various studies relating finasteride use to infertility, sperm motility problems and fail in spermatogenesis:

Study with photographic evidence that the shrinkage of the prostate induced by finasteride is caused through cell death (apoptosis). 
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada: 

Study proves that finasteride alters levels of testosterone, DHT, hormone luteinizing, follicle stimulating hormone. 

Uroclínica from the Health Ministry, Ankara, Turkey:

Finasteride alters cholesterol levels after 6 months of treatment. 

University of Parma, 

Chemical castration effect related to the use of finasteride. 

Chart of the American Environmental Agency EPA

Links to various studies about finasteride, both 1mg and 5mg:


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