
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Federal US Agent reveals the problems he developed after taking Propecia

If not for Propecia, Steven Rossello would still be playing a critical role in protecting America against terrorism.
In June 2010, six months after earning special-agent status at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division of the Department of Homeland Security, he was dispatched to Harlingen, Texas. Armed with a SIG Sauer pistol, M4 rifle and top-secret federal clearance, he spent most nights patrolling the Mexican border.
Among his targets were al-Qaeda operatives being smuggled into the U.S. by Latin drug cartels. Stopping these shadowy figures made for fewer threats to the safety and freedom of Americans from Harlingen to Houlton, Maine. It was a job Rossello took pride in, excelled in, and planned on doing for at least the next two decades.
But today the 29-year-old New York City native sits in a cubicle at the ICE office, stripped of his special-agent title, his badge, and his firearms. His duties have been reduced to running computer checks on suspects and completing paperwork for other agents—while earning $15,000 less per year than he did as a criminal investigator.
Rossello's transformation from a healthy, happy, outgoing young man on the verge of a six-figure income to one whose life was turned upside down by Propecia can be traced back to 2006, when he was completing his bachelor's degree in international politics and business at the State University of New York-Albany.
"I first took Propecia in college, at 22," he tells The Examiner of Merck & Co.'s popular hair-loss medication (generic name finasteride). "But I stopped after using it off and on for three months because I couldn't afford it. And I got hit with anxiety and insomnia, which also played a role in my decision to quit.

The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation

Established in July 2012, the Post Finasteride Syndrome Foundation is the first official and nonprofit organization to help study Post Finasteride Syndrome. The foundation headquarters are in Somerset, New Jersey, United States. The organization announced the election of Dr. John Santmann as CEO, Dr. Rosemary McGeady as general counsel and Matthew Weintraub as vice president.
The foundation goal is to facilitate research about Post Finasteride Syndrome in universities and hospitals. Donations can be made ​​via the website:  http://www.pfsfoundation.org/

Propecia victim starts hunger strike in front of Merck headquarters in the United States.

Update: Kevin O'Malley ended the hunger strike on 05/29/2012. He got the attention of some media during the protest. Merck did not comment, but the company asked the police several times to remove him from the area. However, hunger strike is a legal form of protest in the U.S. and the police could not do anything.

A 30 year old man, who claims his life was destroyed after taking Propecia for hair loss, initiated a hunger strike in front of the pharmaceutical giant Merck Sharp & Dohme headquarters in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey.
Kevin Malley (baseball hat, pictured), a former public health researcher, flew to New Jersey on May 10th and has not eaten since the 13th. He says it is a protest at the failure of Merck  to recognize Propecia's role as the cause of persistent and devastating sexual side effects, which don't cease after stopping the medication.
"I want to see Merck step up to the plate. Its medicine is destroying lives, and i know that I am only one of thousands of victims worldwide who are suffering" - said Malley.
Parents of another Propecia victim, the emergency physician John Santmann (pictured), and the cardiologist and medical malpractice attorney Rosemary McGeady (pictured),  joined Kevin Malley in the protest. Their son, Randy Santmann, committed suicide in 2008, alleging persistent effects from Propecia which he could not live with.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Official: FDA has published labeling changes for Propecia (Finasteride 1mg)

Following a lengthy safety review, the FDA has mandated that Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) must carry additional warnings regarding the possibility of persistent sexual side effects. The following text is now part of the propecia label:

"Postmarketing experience:
Reproductive System: sexual dysfunction that continued after discontinuation of treatment, including erectile dysfunction, libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, and orgasm disorders;  male infertility and/or poor seminal quality (normalization or improvement of seminal quality has been reported after discontinuation of finasteride); testicular pain."

It's the first time FDA admits infertility problems and orgasm disorders related to Propecia The FDA also advises that they have started the process of notifying health care professionals who prescribe Finasteride (dermatologists, physicians, urologists and residents) on the revision and label changes.

To read the full article on the FDA website:

Propecia precribing information:

Stories of men who took Finasteride 1mg for hair loss and developed irreversible side effects.

If you are Suffering from unresolved side effects from Propecia or Finasteride 1 mg, please post your story under this post as a comment. Choose "Anonimo" to post anonimously. Please state your age, where you are from, the sides you have, When You quit and how long you took it for. Try to summarize it in ten lines or less. Thank you!  

Forum member "worried" from Propeciahelp.com: 
"I am currently suffering sexual dysfunction like decreased penile sensitivity, difficulty getting/mantaining erections, decreased semen volume, watery semen, loss of spontaneous erections and low libido. I'm 23 and I took Propecia for 3 years."

Merck's Drug Propecia Linked To Sexual Dysfunction

"Merck — the pharmaceutical giant previously featured on Slashdot for drawing up a 'hit list' of doctors that criticized its drug Vioxx, and creating a fake medical journal to endorse its products — is embroiled in a new scandal. USA Today is reporting on two new studies that show Propecia, Merck's $250 million prescription medication for baldness, can make men irreversibly impotent. Lawsuits have been filed in the United States and Canada from men claiming to have permanently lost their sexual function after taking the drug. All this is reminiscent of Merck's difficulties with Vioxx, a once $2.5-billion-a-year drug, which was withdrawn from the market in 2004 after a study showed it doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke in users."

USA Today:

General symptoms of Post-Finasteride Syndrome and doctors who recognize the problem.

Dr. John Crisler DO
Lansing, Michigan - USA
Explaining the symptoms of Post-Finasteride Syndrome in a conference.

Exerpt from the video:
Dr. John Crisler: - "I've talked to some of you in particular. I am totally against the drug Finasteride. I've had so many patients in my office stating that this drug has destroyed their lives. Many of these patients are from the Yahoo forum (the origin of PropeciaHelp.com). Unfortunately some suicides have occurred in this forum. For some reason some men have an endocrine system that seems ready to be "broken" by Finasteride . And they take Finasteride for periods as short as one week, and it destroys their lives, they become weak, depressed, helpless . The problem is that when they stop taking the medication, the symptoms continue. We do not know why."

Dr. Michael Irwig, Professor at George Washington University

Swedish Medical Products agency, the UK's Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Italian government investigated finasteride and changed the label in their countries.

Excerpt from the page on the English Wikipedia's Finasteride http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride

There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[18] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction. The Agency's updated safety information lists difficulty in obtaining an erection that persists indefinitely, even after the discontinuation of finasteride, as a possible side effect of the drug.[19] The UK's Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) cites reports of erectile dysfunction that persists once use of finasteride has stopped.[20] Similar labeling changes have been made by the Italian government. For a period of time there was a discrepancy between European and North American warning labels regarding the risks of developing persistent sexual side effects from taking Propecia but after two years in April 2011 Merck revised the United States' warning in consumer and medical leaflets to include erectile dysfunction that may persist after stopping finasteride.[21] In April 2012, the FDA chose to approve Merck's proposed labeling from 2011 only after the warning label was further strengthened to include reports of persistent libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, orgasm disorders, and decreased libido. [22][23][24]

Former Finasteride 1 mg user reports the medicine had an effect on his fertility

User "Furrymonkey" from the Hairlosstalk.com forum:

"Been taking finasterid products (pro and finpecia) for a number of yrs now, doing a relatively good job, but no wonders. No noticeable side-effects either. Btw, I'm 32 now. Started trying for kids about a year ago without success which led to me researching if finasteride has any effect on . Had my sperm count then tested about 3 months ago. Result: basically no useful sperm, i.e. very low concentration and low to no motility. The doc recommended I stop taking Finpecia (after he did some of his own research). Problem is that dermatologists and urologists have little to no common ground, which is why this problem seldomly comes to light. So after having stopped taking the hair drug for 3 months and another sperm test the results are astounding: concentration has tenfolded and motility has gone up from just about zero to 25% (normal and healthy would be around 50% mobility). I'm going for another test in 3 months again to see where my fertility is going.

Conclusion: if you're planning on having kids, take this as a warning that merck and co. don't give a rats arse if your fertility goes down, as long as libido apparently is fine, right?

Evaluation of Propecia (Finasteride) by american patients in Askapatient.com site


346 Patients were asked about the efficacy, safety, side effects and whether they would recommend the drug to others. Each patient is told to give a rating from 1 to 5, with note 1 (Very dissatisfied - I would not recommend anyone taking this drug) and Note 5 (Very Satisfied - this medicine has helped me and healed me).